Safety-Kleen Deutschland GmbH
D-32427 Minden
Rechtsform: | GmbH |
Handelsregister: | HRB 3132 |
Registergericht: | Registergericht Bad Oeynhausen |
Geschäftsführung: | Philippe Mauguy Christian Baumbach |
Ust.-ID: | DE 121 635 071 |
Gesellschafter/-in: | k.A. |
Die Angaben im Impressum unterliegen dem Verantwortungsbereich des jeweiligen Unternehmens. |
- Impressum
Firmenportrait english
Introduction to the Company
Safetykleen is the market leader for the provision of parts cleaning, spraygun cleaning and waste collection services. The machines offered, as part of the service to the customer, include the supply of either water based chemistry or solvents, depending upon the application and the concerns of the customer.
The foundation of the machine service is the closed-loop system whereby customers receive the cleaning equipment with the cleaning fluid and used waste fluid is collected from the customer’s process and either recycled or disposed of responsibly.
The Company’s policy of recycling solvents for re-use has a key impact on reducing the dependence on fossil fuels and its resultant effect on the environment. The marketing strategy of providing recycled solvents has wide customer acceptance and is a key differentiating factor in the Company’s sales proposition.
Waste services offer a unique national service for the identification, carriage, and onward disposal of waste materials for the small and medium sized producer, where disposal always follows the accepted “Waste Hierarchy” and “Best Practice” principles whenever practicable.
The company structure consists of Head Offices in Brentford, Middlesex, a central manufacturing and distribution facility in Dinnington, South Yorkshire, a waste oil collection service and 19 regional sales branches (Waste Transfer Stations). All the operating units within the organisation subscribe to this strategy, which is determined by the Senior Management Group. Safetykleen’s proven commitment to environmental conservation and safe working practices is demonstrated by its commitment to our certified management systems.

Machine Services Activities
The core business of the company is the parts-washing service. A purpose-built cleaning unit is supplied to customers to enable them to clean oil, dirt and grease from engine components, printing plates and other coated items. The basic unit consists of a sink which seats on top of a drum of cleaning solvent. An integral pump creates a flow of solvent which is directed by a nozzle onto the relevant item to be cleaned. The solvent drains down through filters back into the system, and is continually recirculated around the machine.
Eventually the solvent becomes too contaminated with dirt (from the cleaned parts) to clean efficiently. At this stage, a replacement drum of solvent is supplied by Safetykleen while the used solvent is collected and taken for recycling into fresh stock.
Aside from the customer advantages of workshop safety and efficiency, together with the natural desirability of recycling some of the world’s oil resources, the service has done much to terminate the dangerous and illegal practice of pouring waste cleaning solvents (often petroleum) down conventional drains.
Waste Business Activities
Safetykleen provides a range of automotive waste collection services such as waste oil, anti-freeze, brake fluid, paint, oil filters and mixed fuel. Appropriately colour-coded safety drums are supplied to customers to contain the waste; when full, the sealed drums are taken for disposal or recycling, and a new empty drum is supplied. Wastes that can be recycled are returned to their original formulation, while the others are sent to a third party blender for use as a raw material in the blending of a high-calorific fuel used in manufacturing cement.
Safetykleen also provides a range of services centring on a choice of spraygun-cleaning machines and the supply/removal of the required cleaning thinners for vehicle body shops.
On the general industrial side, the company collects hazardous and non-hazardous wastes from a range of industrial processes. Waste streams are then routed to their final disposal destinations either directly or via Sales Branches/Waste Transfer Stations. Any unacceptable materials are returned to the customer, demonstrating that Safetykleen continually provides a complementary service to assist customers in disposing of such wastes in a legal and responsible manner.
It is company policy to ensure our management systems comply with international standards and current best practice and as such our quality system is certified to ISO9001, our environmental system to ISO14001 and our H&S system is certified to OSHAS 18001:

Safety-Kleen Deutschland GmbH ♦ Herforder Str. 47-51 ♦ D-32545 Bad Oeynhausen ♦