RTE Akustik+Prüftechnik GmbH
Gewerbestr. 26
D-76327 Pfinztal
D-76327 Pfinztal
Rechtsform: | GmbH |
Handelsregister: | HRB 104368 |
Registergericht: | Mannheim |
Geschäftsführung: | Jörg Ritter |
Ust.-ID: | DE 143586639 |
Gesellschafter/-in: | k.A. |
Die Angaben im Impressum unterliegen dem Verantwortungsbereich des jeweiligen Unternehmens. |
- Impressum
WORLD PM2016 Congress + Exhebition
Welcome to the World’s Largest Dedicated Powder Metallurgy Technical Event WORLD-PM2016As the world’s largest dedicated Powder Metallurgy technical conference in 2016, the 4-day congress & exhibition will provide an exceptional opportunity for networking and to discuss new projects and ideas with global PM industry personnel.
The biennial world powder metallurgy congress, this year sponsored and organised by European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) will be held in Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 October 2016 and will cover all aspects of Powder Metallurgy.
The World PM2016 Congress & Exhibition Technical Programme, showcasing papers, exhibitors, industry tours and social events, is now available.
RTE is exhebitiong and presenting its latest testing applications. See us at both 110.
Contact us for a free entrance ticket.